On Independence Day especially, I contemplate the countless freedoms we enjoy in the United States of America. Our freedom was paid for with the blood of patriots, and our unalienable rights set forth in the Declaration of Independence include “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Your own freedom also has a price.
In order to maintain and enjoy your personal freedom, you must not infringe upon the rights of others; obey local, state, and national laws; pay your bills; and make good choices with regard to mental and physical health and safety.
If you break the law, you may lose your freedom through incarceration. If you fail to be financially responsible, you could lose the comfort and security of your home, your means of transportation, or even face incarceration. If you aren’t a good steward of your physical body and mind, you may lose your freedom of movement, forfeit your sight, or even face an early demise due to your own poor decisions.
Making safe choices for yourself can help ensure your own freedom from harm, threat, or grievous injury. Be aware, stay alert, and be present and thoughtful in your choices and decisions, so you can enjoy the countless freedoms we as Americans – and you as an individual – have.
God bless America. Stay safe!