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Chad Portman, II Dan

A second-degree blackbelt and Class B Referee through the Yom Chi Taekwon-Do Association, Mr. Portman is an avid tournament competitor.  He travels widely, attending Taekwon-Do seminars, camps and classes at every opportunity.  Mr. Portman has hosted multiple YCTA Oklahoma tournaments, and has served as Promoter, Chief Referee, Bracketer, Center Referee, and Corner Judge at YCTA tournaments and other competitions.


Chad Portman, I Dan

Amanda Garner, II Dan

A second-degree blackbelt and Class A Referee through the Yom Chi Taekwon-Do Association, Ms. Garner is also an Instructor of Referees.  She has traveled and competed extensively, participating in Taekwon-Do tournaments, camps and seminars in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Missouri, twice earning Grand Champion honors.

Ms. Garner now resides in Denver, Colorado, visiting Red River when she returns home.

Amanda Garner, II Dan
John Ernst, I Dan

John Ernst, I Dan

A first-degree blackbelt and Class B Referee through the Yom Chi Taekwon-Do Association, Mr. Ernst also holds a black belt in Tang Soo Do.  He enjoys assisting with classes, tournament competition, and assisting/officiating at tournaments and other special events. 

Harvey Williams, I Dan

Harvey Williams, I Dan

A first-degree blackbelt and Class B Referee through the Yom Chi Taekwon-Do Association, Mr. Williams enjoys corner judging and participating on patterns judging panels.  He also has competed across the state, especially enjoying sparring and breaking competitions.



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